Heating the main area in the summer what. Are apartment heating services paid for in the summer, when there is actually no heating? Do I need to heat for heating in the summer

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Are apartment heating services paid for in the summer, when there is actually no heating?
The cost of heating a home is one of the most significant components of the bills that we pay for ...
2022-09-23 07:53:38
When the trees got big
We will talk today about the sanitary standards of natural lighting in the apartment. The reason was...
2022-09-23 07:53:38
Pink receipts for housing and communal services declared illegal
Subscribers of the State Unitary Enterprise VCKP "Housing" are given the opportunity to transmit testimony ...
2022-09-23 07:53:38
Construction of new railways in Russia Reconstruction and repair of railways
3.1.1 The reconstruction of the railway track is carried out in accordance with the current ...
2022-08-28 00:49:09
Do-it-yourself frame house: step-by-step assembly instructions with a photo
The construction of frame houses came to us from abroad. These lightweight structures are...
2022-08-28 00:49:09